Landlord Fees

Service Sole Agency Joint Agency
Fully Managed (FM) 12% (10% plus vat) 14.4% (12% plus vat)
Landlord Set up Fee (FM) £360 (£300 plus vat) £360 (£300 plus vat)
Let Only (LO) 60% of the first month’s rent (Minimum fee of £500 plus vat = £600) Inventory cost if required is additional as detailed below 75% of the first month’s rent (Minimum fee of £500 plus vat £600) Inventory cost if required is additional as detailed below


Property Unfurnished Furnished
Studio Flat £100.00 £115.00
One Bedroom £120.00 £144.00
Two Bedroom £144.00 £156.00
Three Bedroom £168.00 £180.00
Four Bedroom £192.00 £204.00
Five Bedroom £240.00 £300.00


Tenancy renewal fee (After the initial fixed term has expired, if you wish the tenants to sign a new fixed term tenancy, we negotiate, prepare & arrange signatures from all parties) £180.00
Prepare & serve legal notices (Section 21, Section 8) £90.00
Prepare and serve section 13 rent increase notice £90.00
Additional property inspections (per visit) £48.00
To attend property for contractor waiting visits £42.00 per hour
Register & hold deposit during tenancy (LO) £48.00
Cancellation of let before the tenant moves in £300.00
To attend court for eviction £180.00 per ½ Day
To attend property with bailiffs £180.00 per ½ Day
Key cutting (plus cost of keys) £12.00 per key
Sale of the property to tenants found by us 1.44% of sale price
Annual Profit and Loss report (per property) £30.00
Interest on unpaid commission or other monies (above the base rate of RBS plc per annum, calculated daily) 4%
Minimum termination of Terms of Business (Per property) One month’s rent plus vat (Subject to a minimum of £600)

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